side spin effect after ball bounces

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side spin effect after ball bounces

Postby Holali » Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:39 pm

I know theres a topic about FullAce upgrades, but I would still like to add it separately. I have a tip for one physics improvement, maybe the only mistake in the ball physics in the game. I dont want it to be done tomorrow :-), just would like to hear what you think about it.

It concerns backspin = slice shots. After the bounce the ball goes straight forward. I think it should bounce to the side, sometimes rapidly, because it has also a lot of side spit. It could really change some elements of the game. When your opponent has to run to the ball across the court and you play this slice which will bounce away from your opponent to make it even harder for him to reach it. Hope you understand me. :-)
Its also a dropshot problem, players usually add great side spit to make it bounce away from opponent. You know what I mean, I just saw it many times in real tennis.
I know you added side (or lateral) motion to the ball when it goes through the air across the net after player hits it, thats great, (though Ive never managed to play Nadals banana shot :-) ) but there is no side effect (or not strong enough) after the ball bounces.

I know there are a lot of things to improve here, but I think the ball physics is the best thing in this game, the key for its future success, so I want it to be perfect :-).
Thanks for answer.

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