Hi @k'schoice,
v3.12 worked without any problems for me so far, with highest grafics options.
But then I noticed some curious thing (playing offline, against computer, vs. highest AI level):
When playing a custom tournament on some courts (oldfort, london first), there are no shadows. No shadow of player, of ball, of anything.
curiously, when playing on the same court as exhibition, or as "original" tournament, all shadows are there, and everything is okay.
so i think there seems to be some problem with custom tournament on these courts ? (perhaps on more other courts, too?).
I checked out -randomly selected- about 5-10 other courts with custom tournament. Most worked okay, with shadows. The only ones I found without shadows were oldfort and london first.
Today I checked out v3.13. The problem still occurs.
(My System: intel 2x3GHz-CPU, 4GB-RAM, NVIDIA GF 9800 GT, Win XP Pro, actual drivers):