This version was suppose to fix that bug, but it didn't.
I have Windows 10, 64.
Love tennis and waited a long time for a new one to come out and now I can't play it.

Eclecticats wrote:Thank you. It works now. It recognizes the controller. Been practicing and learning. So far great. I love tennis. Waited a long time for a new one.
Eclecticats wrote:I spoke too soon. It worked fine last night.
Now, today it doesn't recognize my controller again.
I do setup and config controller in Steam and also in your game.
It shows up as a selection but that's about it.
I can't play the game.
Also, when it did work, I still could not understand how to select the coin toss and whether to serve first.
Very frustrating.
kschoice wrote:With v1.0.5, you most probably have to check the Use Steam API box in the CONTROL settings.
Eclecticats wrote:I have the steam box checked and it still won't work.
Before the V1.05 update it worked.
Eclecticats wrote:If I don't select Steam check off, only keyboard shows up, so I have to check it.
I go through the setup and it says that controller is configured for Full Ace Tennis and
when I select Challenge just to see if it works. On the upper left side it says Controller 1, but controller is
still not recognized.
It isn't even recognized on the Menu Screen.
It worked fine after the V1.04 update which fixed it.
Now V1.05 fixed it for others and now I don't work.
Eclecticats wrote:Okay I went to Big Picture, then controller and unchecked all the controllers.
Now the controller works with your game.
I checked my other games and they still work with my controller.
Thank you for all your help.
I must admit that your game is very hard. I'm lucky to get a whack at the ball.
It moves fast.
It's taking me awhile to get used to using the Left Bumper & Right Bumper keys. moving player and still hit the ball.
Have tried Exhibition and boy does that ball come fast. My fingers get all tangled up. I can't move that fast.
I guess it takes a lot of practice.
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