so there are already 9 players in the list (8+1 demo), so I think it's time to discuss the rules. Nobody answered my email, so it's up to me to start the conversation. Hope we will agree on something.
So, here ire my suggestions to start with:
1. We will play league
2. Every player can play any other player multiple times.
3. You should play all other players during the league, not only 1 all the time, again and again.
4. For each victory, you will earn points. The amount of points will be given below.
5. When you play again wit the same opponent, your points gained from last match with this opponent will be erased and replaced with new points from actual match
6. You will also loose points that are older than 2 months (we can change that interval) This will motivate you to play with players you haven't played for longer time
7. Players will be ranked by their points
So, thats what I came up with so far. But basically, we can change it completely, it's not definite form of league. But I hope it wont take us long to discuss it, I really want to start play!
Finally, here are my suggestions about points gaining:
1. You can simple earn 1 point for victory and 0 points for loss
OR (to make it more interesting)
2. You can earn 2 points for winning in 2 sets and 1 point for winning in 3 sets
3. You can earn points equal to number of sets won in the match (so even looser can earn point for winning one set) (another motivation to play match that you lost previous time)
4. It can depend on number of games you won in the match. For example, every player, even looser, will earn 18 points - (minus) number of games won by opponent.
5. Every player will earn amount of points equal to number of games won in the match
Ok, thats all (quite a long, isn't it?

I hope you will like at least something of this. I really want to start something
Yes, and I called it "masters" league. Sounds good, eh? We can of course change that, but it's not important thing.