FullAce "masters" legue rules and organization

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FullAce "masters" legue rules and organization

Postby Holali » Fri Jul 13, 2012 9:45 pm

Hi people,
so there are already 9 players in the list (8+1 demo), so I think it's time to discuss the rules. Nobody answered my email, so it's up to me to start the conversation. Hope we will agree on something.

So, here ire my suggestions to start with:

1. We will play league
2. Every player can play any other player multiple times.
3. You should play all other players during the league, not only 1 all the time, again and again.
4. For each victory, you will earn points. The amount of points will be given below.
5. When you play again wit the same opponent, your points gained from last match with this opponent will be erased and replaced with new points from actual match
6. You will also loose points that are older than 2 months (we can change that interval) This will motivate you to play with players you haven't played for longer time
7. Players will be ranked by their points

So, thats what I came up with so far. But basically, we can change it completely, it's not definite form of league. But I hope it wont take us long to discuss it, I really want to start play!

Finally, here are my suggestions about points gaining:
1. You can simple earn 1 point for victory and 0 points for loss
OR (to make it more interesting)
2. You can earn 2 points for winning in 2 sets and 1 point for winning in 3 sets
3. You can earn points equal to number of sets won in the match (so even looser can earn point for winning one set) (another motivation to play match that you lost previous time)
4. It can depend on number of games you won in the match. For example, every player, even looser, will earn 18 points - (minus) number of games won by opponent.
5. Every player will earn amount of points equal to number of games won in the match

Ok, thats all (quite a long, isn't it? :-D).
I hope you will like at least something of this. I really want to start something

Yes, and I called it "masters" league. Sounds good, eh? We can of course change that, but it's not important thing.

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Re: FullAce "masters" legue rules and organization

Postby Hami » Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:29 pm

Hello !
There are a lot of good ideas but I have issues with some of them :

What is the point of number 5 ? And so number 6 ? Is this a way to have some sort of monthly ranking system ?

For the points, we should keep it simple. Same amount of point for a 2/3 sets win and 0 points for a loss OR 1 point for a winning a set when you lose but if so, the winner has to be well rewarded with at least 3 points. If not, two loss in 3 sets equal one victory which is not right I think.

As regards to the schedule of play, I think we should have a league where we play 2 or 3 times against each player. And every result would count. And it starts again every month or every 2 months or more depending how much time people need. We would then have a monthly champion. And it would really challenging to keep a good level for the best players and the opportunity for the new players to be able to be well ranked really fast.

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Re: FullAce "masters" legue rules and organization

Postby Holali » Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:47 pm

yes, points 5 and 6 (in firs section) are meant to be something like ranking. I thought that the system would be like league (each vs each), but it will be neverending league. I think this also allows new players to get good ranking quickly.
I agree with rewards. Winner should get more points, 4 or 5 maybe. And looser 1 if he wins a set. But I'm still not sure if it wont be stereotype. In real tennis, you get points depending on round and type of tournament. Here, you would get for every victory the same, 5 points for example. But I can agree with that.

I'm also fine with 2 or 3 months league like you said. We will start league, call it for example League #1 or August-September league and the winner would be forever called "winner of League #1". Then we will start League #2 and we will have another winner then. After let's say 10 or 20 leagues like that (hmm, if we will really play so many of them), there will be a group of "champions", some of them with more victories. This is also good idea. Ok, we need opinions of all players here, you have some options here, so express yourself.

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Re: FullAce "masters" legue rules and organization

Postby Rey99 » Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:24 pm

This ideas seems to me good .. I am with what you all decide, for me everything is fine.. :)

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Re: FullAce "masters" legue rules and organization

Postby Milos011 » Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:00 am

OK....here is some of my suggestions.

First of all I must say that all players should play THE SAME MATCHES: 6 games per set matches, and matches with best of the 3 sets. That is why DEMO players are not an option. Also I am not sure about playing with NON-EUROPE players because of lag.

Here is the „rule list“:

1. 6 game set
2. best of 3 sets match
3. players should play with created players - max 80 per skill
4. every player should play exactly 4 matches against all other players.... 4 Grand Slam courts.... (in this way we can keep track in how some players are playing on different type of surfaces)
5. awarding points: 3 points for 2-0 win; 2 points for 2-1 win; 1 point for 1-2 loss; 0 points for 0-2 loss
6. weekly updated rankings in the table .... example..... .xls format
7. setting the "league administrator and umpire" who will decide when there are some irregularities and who will be in charge of updating rankings table. I suggest it should be Holali. I can create .xls table with players / schedule / stats
8. after a played match both players should send an e-mail to „league admin“ with scores
9. league must have starting and ending date, it shouldn’t be endless. First league should be played during 3 following months since there are at least 36 matches to be played for each player.... for example from 01.08. – 31.10. I think it is not good idea to play more than one league at the same time. We can apply for participating in another league, but it would be hard to organize and manage to play multiple leagues. If some players don’t manage to play all matches during 3 months period, those matches will be calculated like 2-0 loss
10. if game crashes during the match, players should start new match and „simulate“ until the moment of crash, or if they both agree they can decide to play new match if it was the beginning of the match, or just play one set if it was 3rd set.

I hope more players will participate in making rules in next days so we could start league in following weeks.

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Re: FullAce "masters" legue rules and organization

Postby Hami » Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:46 am

I like all your points Milos but number 5 for the reasons I said before in my post. I prefer to see 5 points for a 2-0 and 4 points for a 2-1. Or we could just have a victory/loss ratio.

I also think the weekly ranking could be hard to do (depending on how many matches will be played in a week). But you're right, it's good to have an update to remind players that the league is still on. And eventually, I don't tkink you have to simulate matches you don't play because points will punish you anyway. The more you play, the better chances you get to earn points.

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Re: FullAce "masters" legue rules and organization

Postby Milos011 » Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:28 pm

You're probably right. Maybe it is the best to have win / lose record. In that way winner will be awarded with 2 points and loser will be awarded with 1 point like in basketball/volleyball group stage competitions.

I can't attached .xls file with rankings/schedule/statistics....so here are .jpg ...... just a suggestion off course.

I am missing some of the nationality and e-mails of some players.
FA League Stats.JPG
FA League Stats.JPG (81.66 KiB) Viewed 13993 times
FA League Rankings.JPG
FA League Rankings.JPG (53.12 KiB) Viewed 13993 times
FA League Schedule.JPG
FA League Schedule.JPG (102.34 KiB) Viewed 13993 times

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Re: FullAce "masters" legue rules and organization

Postby Holali » Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:32 pm

Ok, its great to see some progress

1. These images look nice. But who will care about all this date? :-) And, how will be decided what was "easiest" and "hardest" victory?
2. Why want you give winner 2 points and looser 1 point? Is it to make advantage for those who play against those who dont play? Ok then. But still, what about 3 points for victory? To make it more valuable.
3. Should it be closed league? So we can't accept any more players after start?
4. We can do for example 2 weeks ranking or something. But still, it wont be very informative while each player can have played different number of matches. So yaou can be first just because you have playd larges number of matches, not because you have won most of them.

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Re: FullAce "masters" legue rules and organization

Postby Milos011 » Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:55 am

Holali wrote:Ok, its great to see some progress

1. These images look nice. But who will care about all this date? :-) And, how will be decided what was "easiest" and "hardest" victory?
2. Why want you give winner 2 points and looser 1 point? Is it to make advantage for those who play against those who dont play? Ok then. But still, what about 3 points for victory? To make it more valuable.
3. Should it be closed league? So we can't accept any more players after start?
4. We can do for example 2 weeks ranking or something. But still, it wont be very informative while each player can have played different number of matches. So yaou can be first just because you have playd larges number of matches, not because you have won most of them.

I volunteer to keep track of scores/table/statistics for this 1st league. I hope that you and me can "split" duties.... I can keep track of scores/standings and maybe you could be in charge of irregularities. Statistics are just numbers at the end of the league.

"Easiest" and "Hardest" win are just suggestions of what can we point out at the end of the league. "Easiest" and "hardest" are just decided by the number of games played in the match.

As for awarding points..... I think that win/loss record is the best way to keep scores. Just like in the NBA.. Only important thing is how many wins and loses you have. Points are irrelevant and maybe we should just disregard them. Ranking can be decided just by winning percentage. Formula is wins / total number of matches X 100…..and there you go….you have rankings regarding to your efficiency.

I think this league should be open but not always….I’ll explain…. I think it should have starting and ending date according to number of matches it should be played. If there is 36 matches for each player maybe league should last 3 months (100 days). We can accept new player in the first month…. but we can’t accept new players later because if league grows the number of matches is larger…. etc. At the same time while we play this league we should open topic in forum for the 2nd league so people can sign up for that new one…. I hope in some time we’ll have enough players to re-start the TOUR.

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Re: FullAce "masters" legue rules and organization

Postby Holali » Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:14 pm

Ok, so Milos volunteers to make everything :-). I dont think there will be any problems with reporting results. I hope we are all honest. So, Im free of all duties, thanks :-D. Just some comments:
Milos should send regularly this xls table with all data to all players so the can check it. Also, you should have some table where you would have matches writen chronologicaly. Something like that: Player1-player2-date-time-court-result. This would be the base for all other tables.
And theres still one problem. As I said, every player can have played different number of matches, so the ranking will be nice, but it wont give you valuable information.
Imagine, i will paly first match, win it, and I will have ranking 100%. I will be the best. Another palyer will play 4 matches, with 2 victories, and have 50% ranking. Thats not good I think. I think we should edit the formula so it can count with number of matches somehow. I can give suggestion.

Last think, if we manage to finish the league earlier, we can finish it earlier. Right?
We can say: The league finishes on 31.October or when all playeers finish all their matches

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Re: FullAce "masters" legue rules and organization

Postby Milos011 » Wed Jul 18, 2012 7:27 am

I don't volunteer to "make everything". I can only keep track of scores. You send me results by mail and I can send .xls table weekly (or two).

About rankings.... I don't see much important to have totally correct rankings. It is not possible since it is a LEAGUE. It depends of how many games somebody played. If people participate like they should after a while you'll have at least approximate correct league rankings. You know.... it's like in football.... some team is maybe first in the table, but you can see if they played more games than some other team. I already mentioned NBA league system and I think it's quite good......sure.... in first week of competition you'll have inaccurate rankings, but after 10+ games played it'll be better.

And of course, if we manage to finish games earlier, league ends....so it should be start on 01.08. and last until 30.10. but it will end if all matches are finished before.

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Re: FullAce "masters" legue rules and organization

Postby Holali » Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:03 pm

Well, what else is to do here besides making table and scores. But I fine with that, Im glad I dont have to do anything :-). Just, players should send results of their matches also to some public place, so everyone knows what is the score.

I think we have the rules done. Or is there anything else to discuss? Someone should put it down, and everyone will sign it with blood! :-D
Not many players discussed the rules here, its their problem, the will have to accept it as it is.

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Re: FullAce "masters" legue rules and organization

Postby Milos011 » Fri Jul 20, 2012 7:11 am

I'm not even sure that other players read this. I guess they agree if they read...

I'll try to contact all players by mail in next 10 days to see if they are OK with rules and terms of play.

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Re: FullAce "masters" legue rules and organization

Postby Azael » Tue Jul 24, 2012 5:58 pm

Milos011 wrote:3. players should play with created players - max 80 per skill

I think it will be better if we can specialize our player in one or two skills.

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Re: FullAce "masters" legue rules and organization

Postby Milos011 » Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:56 pm


It would be best if players should have (for example) 2500 points for skill points.....but it would be really difficult to check if anyone broke that rule. Also, I guess most of the players would set 100 points for serve and speed....

It's just easier this way....

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