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First impression

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 2:38 am
by Tom
Now that I've played through the tutorial I'll give my opinion about it.

It looks promising. Graphics aren't superb, but for me that's a big plus as I'm running it on an old pc and these times there are just a few games that run on it. Anyway, as you're with only two I think the graphics are good.

Enough about graphics, can't be bothered by it anyway, gameplay is what it is about!

Aiming system is nice. Although it looks a bit too easy to hit the lines. I'm just to pushing the analog stick al the way in a direction, which in this game results in balls close to the line. I have hit a few errors though, so it surely isn't that the ball will end up in the same place everytime. Now I've said it looks easy to hit the lines, but one must take into account that in the tutorial you don't get to face powerful shots, you just have plenty of time to prepare for the ball. That results in well-placed shots in the tutorial, but I think it gets quite tough when you play someone else. I think that then you can't get away with going for the lines all the time.

Movement is good. You really have to get into a good position, unlike some other tennis game you don't automatically move into a good position, you just stay where you are unless YOU decide to move. Takes a while to get used to -have missed the ball quite a few times because of that- but is very nice. Players are as fast as Road Runner and Speedy Gonzales combined though, although I don't know how that will be when you're on the court for a longer time.

Oh, and you have to choose between forehand and backhand, which makes it possible to run around your backhand to hit a forehand (or vice versa). Good feature!

Can't really think of something else I can write about (well, I can, but not about the game). The game looks promising, although I've only seen the forehand and backhand so far. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the game!