Exporting replays

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Re: Exporting replays

Postby PatrickR » Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:59 pm

kschoice wrote:That would not be considered a bug anyway. There are not enough animations to cover all shot situations, so this is deliberate.

Well, I think it is crystal clear that the animations cannot be pixel perfect for every shot and of course this is not what I expect. But I'm not convinced that this is the case in the following situation. I hit a dropshot and my opponent was forced to come to net. He got to it in time and brought the ball back only for me to come up with a deadly passing shot. :mrgreen: Well, at least I thought that this one had to be deadly but I was proven wrong. :| Since then I have been viewing this replay time and again, stopping in intervals, staring at the frozen pictures :shock: and I still feel that this one should have a been a winner. :wink:

This first picture is taken roughly 0.15 seconds before the AI player "reaches" the ball and I'd estimate he's still at least 3 - 3.5 meters away from the point where the ball will be "touched". While this guy is 1.90 m tall and might have a good reach of ~ 2 meters his speed rating is only 51!

Net1.jpg (88.42 KiB) Viewed 8318 times

The second picture is taken shortly before the "contact" is made and the somehow not convincing animation of the player stretching has almost reached it's "peak". Of course I can't tell what the actual player (and racket) position is at this time but the gap still seems considerable.

Net2.jpg (89.18 KiB) Viewed 8318 times

Of course I might be wrong but then this would really leave me wondering what kind of shot you would be supposed to come up with to get it past someone like Ivo Karlovic who is 2m 8 or whatever and even more mobile than the AI player I faced this time... :?:

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Re: Exporting replays

Postby kschoice » Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:23 pm

Regarding this kind of situation I agree with you.

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Re: Exporting replays

Postby kschoice » Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:54 pm

Milos011 wrote:Have you consider adding "change camera button" in replay menu? It would be great.

It would be even better if there are more camera angles in replay mode....ie. overhead cam or sideline cam.

As a step in that direction, reverse cameras will be available in the next version.

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